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Welcome to seokyin-cherish-you.blogspot.com
Tuesday, November 30, 2010Y

Hmm I know is my second post today but there's a reason juz now during dinner time, daddy gave me an iPhone :D it's damn shocking but daddy meant as a surprise that's why at 5 plus, my phone fail to send message and it's to alvin paiseh paiseh :x

ends at 9:29 PM

Last night had Chingay A.W.E.S.O.M.E!!! I mean all they "Hey" part and so on yeah and kinda know more step though this sotong head forgot some like awwwwwww........den Chingay really gave us Mcdonalds McChicken!!!!!During break, one women walked pass us den I juz say hiiiiieeee and wave den suddenly she came infront of me *scary* and she said:
Women: Hi I'm Estella
Sy: Huh??
Estella: My name is Estella
Sy: Ohhh....
E:What's your name??
****** I mean like so paiseh she gotta ask me my name :( forgot intro*****
Sy: Ohh SeokYin.....
So she joined Eunice and I for a while hahahhahahs funny sio....
 Last week they promise us de...den had 370+ participants........and lastly when we head to Lavender to take the mrt, first, I heard the announcement that due to something happening, the train had been delayed den 2 mins later the train came......pack like sardine.....next train 5 mins so Zafran,Deah,Pearlcelia and I waited den also the same...Pearlcelia and I still saw the door bang until 1 uncle next train same thing happening and one aunty's thing kenna bang by the door....so thanks to the wisdom of pearlcelia,deah and zafran went the other end den we board the train but found a card.... anyone who know her, tell her her card is currently at Pasir Ris Mrt Station'

ends at 12:27 PM

Monday, November 29, 2010Y

Last night attend cousin's wedding...Desmond...But idk who is he...Upon arriving, I juz saw the balloons... okayy skip those long story mummy enjoyed it coz she saw ALL her niece and nephew though I didnt interact much with them anyway..they all brought along a partner as in boyfriend/girlfriend.husband/wife together with Xiang Rong and Heather cam-whore and etc......dinner quite alright :D though I'm putting on more weight but not a big issue...tonight chingay can help me lose weight again but oh shit idk some parts of the dance....... thanks JERRICK for messaging meeee whole night and entertain me :D plus ALVIN LOO whom message mee after your swimming ended thanks..........I'm not that bored there already Jian Rong you toooooo :p so today I'm uploading pics up on facebook including my tour pics and last night one is already up........... tonight gonna have CHINGAY like HOORAY!!! juz hope I manage to catch up some parts coz I cant really concentrate under the sun that day..........
See the bride and groom walk in?? I sacrifice throwing flowers and popping the thingy leh...and Sally could not recognised kor and me already... we're the flower girls and boy for her wedding 7 years ago...awww plus i'm the one who walk solo in the church but during the dinner at night there was kor kor...awww memories...okayy den I shall dig out the pictures and scan it in the computer soon :D

ends at 12:37 PM

Sunday, November 28, 2010Y

Hiieeeee.....Okayyy I got sunburn :( awwww my face kenna plus my nose kinda pain......actually I wanted to be tanned but now my arms like no much tanned leh... yesterday swimming kenna disturb by vivien and kristen whole hour plus kept di siao me with last week drowing case...vivien say the guy name Marcus 30+ died in hospital on Friday.... and he not drown is heart attack... rest in peace marcus........... so lets be more cheerful randomly saw Hua Zhen yesterday at swimming complex den she go call me nickname :( so I said shhhhhhhhh........den partner kor he do chin tow for me.... coz not enough gal and yea........ hmmmmm tonight gonna attend wedding dinner so will be saving my handphone battery until tonight....... thats all cya ppls soonn :D

ends at 11:13 AM

Saturday, November 27, 2010Y
Bananas peoplesss

Met up with Eunice at 8.15am while Pearlcelia still otw to simei den walk walk LOLS... head down to Chingay thr den dance...like no mood lols sun so hot even those grp of guys that say "Hey" also diam diam during the clap juz pissed so didnt learn the dance well....after school mummy let me go out (Y) but she say I gotta be home by 3.30pm coz of swimming tonight so went with Pearlcelia to Tampinese Mall den walk walk...met Gloria den we both ask the same question :"tonight going??" so end off with cya tonight :D spend quite a fare bit today hehehehehe took bus 29 from tampinese den walked 10mins home blehx...damn scary sia I feel something on my shoe den I saw an insect ewwwww........ closed eyes den it flew off after a while........ den home sweet home and used computer hehehehhehehheheh thats all for today...
Special thanks to: Pearlcelia, Eunice,Muhsin,Jacob,Firdaus [Chingay] , (JianRong,Jerrick,Alvin Loo) for pei me message these few days thanksssssss and Khayli <3 hmmmmm also to all my swimming friends......

ends at 3:46 PM

Friday, November 26, 2010Y

Hiie and bye post :Went to hair cut with mommy den home sweet home hehehehhe paiseh nothing to type :x

ends at 9:45 PM

Thursday, November 25, 2010Y

Hmm.......So last night slept 1am plus den woke up at  12pm plus den use computer den eat.....3plus went with mummy to City Plaza shop while uncle wilki come our house den daddy and kor kor at home...shop shop shop legs damn aching coz did 50 squats with kor last night like cant even stand I still did 50 star jump before that arghxxxxxxxx......... so msg Jerrick and JianRong is a little lah Alvin also....den yea lah oh I pierce 2nd piercing mummy pay $15 :D supposed 2 but she say me last one already so I can only pierce one the other one keep :( yea received Mr Koh msg to do duty on sat for Changkat open House den I say I  going chingay so no nid do (Y) can sleep later a bit or else gotta be in school by 7.30am lalalala den ate KFC for dinner with mummy den home sweet home........used computer........today PSLE result release mah so I got reminded by Jerrick whom said he was in his sis sch...den opsss.....I started forwarding message to JianRong,Jerrick,Nicholas and Khayli to see how many marks their siblings score....not bad uh everyone....both my cousin got back tooooo....... so yea one going Catholic High Sec Sch while the other idk...heehhehe
To someone................Seriously lying to me very fun is it ?? I'm fucking not gonna care about you already seriously if juz one simple question you can lie, what else can you lie??? I'm trying to chill myself down now....and yea you lied to me..... -.- seriously I'm not gonna be so blind anymore........

ends at 10:58 PM

Wednesday, November 24, 2010Y

Hmm, nothing much today..woke up at 12.20pm but I slept at 2am so forgivable...anyway, woke up use computer den daddy said that we're going to Bedok so got ready den left for house...Guess what??I'm able to sleep from the drilling ops what a pig am I.... den msg msg msg...Jerrick came back frm Japan yesterday den there it goes my phone starts to go very very busy again....... :x den left for Bedok... daddy opened a UOB account for kor kor with $1000 in it.......SOOOO GOOOOOOODDDD there's coz kor result is good..... No subject fail still got A's while me 3 F9 [Geography,Maths,Science] but dk if got improve frm MYE coz my MYE is 2 E8[ History(EOY C6 51 marks) and Geo] 2 F9 Maths and Science as usual.......den eat den while walking back to carpark, I passed by Bengawan Solo den I wanted pandan cake kor wanted chocolate cake scissor papaer stone he won twice :( so I said chocolate but kor said pandan .____. so nice right?? But still I took chocolate :) then the lady:
Lady: How many candles??
Me:Yeappp :D
Lady: *keep quiet* she must be thinking : "Who 99 years old still eat chocolate cake??"
den home sweet home use computer all day... PLUS now IDK why the hell my internet cannot go twitter and especially FACEBOOK??!! awwwwwww so sad :( and crazily dance Chingay walk-in-dance again ehheheheh thats all for today byeeeeeeeee.........

ends at 6:23 PM

Tuesday, November 23, 2010Y

Above pics is taken by two gals thanks!!! and mushin not inside coz he hide one corner.....
anyway today whole day use computer......Morning kenna woken up by the noise at 10am plus den went back sleep...11 plus woke up...hmmm slept at 3am somemore leh -.- den use computer until around 2pm plus mummy bought kor kor,me and mernita KFC :D hehe BUT the drilling whole day -.- yesterday my neighbour ; today my house 3rd flr.....the rooftop garden thr luh..... daddy wanna change tile and blah blah blah this will continue for the next few days!!!!! ARGHX!!!!! so after lunch, went with mummy to Giant stock up things at home....Met Aaron my sec 1 junior frm golf den after that total bill $180++ and we took 2 trolley hehehehe home sweet home den computer again :D First Pearlcelia told me about Ms Nur Aini news den I asked mummy she confirm....haiz can't believe Ms Nur Aini helped Mas Selamat in the escape plan :( next year Changkat less one teacher already :( that's all for today.........Hmmmmmmm juz hope that there's Chingay everyday.................
Mas Selamat incident:

ends at 6:57 PM

Monday, November 22, 2010Y

Hmmmmmm.......so today the piggy me woke up @ 2.30pm awwww its my stupid neighbour having renovation that's what woke me up......... Then daddy send me early coz he scared our house here again jam den I'll be late for Chingay...... Called QingLing went I reached ep and she juz reached home...she came out to meet meee so sweet and she looks like she rushed down awwwwwwwww thanks euu <3 den we slacked until arnd 4.20pm den went buy Old Chang Kee den met pearl den QingLing left :( haiz felt like total stranger with her :( hmmmmm I'm gonna make myself a rule to call her everyday for at least 5minsssss :D yay gonna chat and gossip with her hehehehhee
Then left for mrt met Zafran inside so qiao... den mrt to Lavender whr we met Firdaus, Huda and Muhsin den walk to Jalan Besar stadium thr whr we met Muhsin......sign in that tym sooooo funny sia de guy....... Learnt the walk in part dance den cam-whore opss..... Amrun damn epics sia....... end while walking to mrt, the 8 of us di siao someone...okayy not really di siao is make new friends......muhsin wanted her number den we all go chat her I most sucessful one :D she gave me her facebook name..hmm think muhsin gonna cr8 fb ler but she sec 5 so long story... 4 december is combine rehersal YAY!!! den sat another rehersal so happyyy ....... home sweet home arnd 10.30pm 

ends at 11:11 PM

Sunday, November 21, 2010Y

Hiie......Morning woke up 9.20am den eat den get ready go out...daddy sent mummy,kor kor and me to people's park complex den drive off with aunt to meet da gu ma and er gu ma to go bai bai (pray) so we reached thr around 10.15am OG havent open yet coz mummy say dk gt wad card 20% off items..... den drank COCONUT coz I'm kinda sick now... Flu + headache+cough awwwwwww........ den around 11am plus went OG den walk walk walk after which take bus 2 to Bugis... This sotong here again........ saw bus 2 ran for it den didnt bring ezlink card den drop coins out of bus den dk how much to put in so dump $1 in lah.... paiseh sia... some more i ystrd juz top up my ezlink card den today didnt bring -.- went bugis first thing drag mummy to ZINC shop den bought new school bag....... $32 :D mummy forgot that I bought Converse until kor kor reminded here but she still bought for meeeeeeeeeee.......den decided not to waste anymore $$ , walked with mummy and kor to OG coz mum wanna buy new clothes for the two wedding dinner comming up this sun and december....... den daddy met us and we walked....soon, went to Sim Lim... I thr so bored nothing of my interest other den *something* which I bought... very -.- thr sia frm arnd 3pm to 6pm plus siaa...... whole family spent around $1000 today........ but I only bought a bag and *something* den went to Sakae Sushi Tepanyaki dk hw spell A.W.E.S.O.M.E de chicken set den home sweet home.....kept sneezing and coughing.........
tmr CHINGAY PRACTICE YAY!!! 7pm-10pm but meeting pearl around 6.20pm den MRT to Lavender.... cant wait to learn the new song tmr :D

ends at 11:59 PM

Saturday, November 20, 2010Y

Okayy hiie hiieeee..........Paiseh paiseh long tym no update and this issss sooooooooooo gonna be a long long post...
anyway regarding my London,Paris,Switzerland trip, I 50% not gonna upload on my blog and maybe facebook coz this lazy gal here new name for myself is pig....I gave myself that name...opss.......okayy nevermind reason is I gotta take from 3 camera's and I can only choose scenery and my own pics coz daddy and mummy dw me to upload their pics and what more kor kor also but dun care kor....sooooo yeaa
20 November 2010 Saturday:
Morning *yawn* piggy me managed to wake up at 7am *clap clap* coz its 12am Paris and Switzerland time is 7hrs behind singapore time.... furthermore I slept at 2am going 3am lehhhh....... so its awesome.... daddy sent me to Eastpoint at 8.13am and I'm supposed to meet P.E.A.R.L.C.E.L.I.A at 8.20am but this aunty hor around 8.30am den reach...hehehehe so I bought Old Chang Kee and top up my ezlink card den when she came we saw 1min left to train to Joo Koon I ran up stairs, she ran up escalators....... CHINGAY FTW damnn fun though there's the sun...
break I ate Old Chang Kee den continue dancing...realised that we missed 4 practice while they missed 3...
Then everyone dance very well except me coz I new mah first lesson...Nevermind this coming Monday we're gonna learn the 2nd song and it'll be btr..but its at 7pm!!!! and end at 10pm!!!!!!!!  Nevermind so yea
 End Chingay, bid goodbye to Huda and Amrun...Muhsin,Firdaus,Pearlcelia and I went bugis ate Pasta Mania and we 4 add the cheese until the person refill full bottle still left with 1/8 baik lah we all... then slack with pearl at bugis but left after a while....
mrt until simei den bus-ed 5 home in the bus Georgio and friends were there but no mood talk my legs damn aching but fun...
Night time swimming..........
How I realised it??
I heard a whistle den juz nice looking at Mr Mok saw his stunt face den look at the direction..Oh wait, today I didnt bring my goggles so swim without goggles... den saw a lifeguard plunge into the pool damn nice sia his plunge den he do chin-tow to the wall where they tried doing CPR for hym and after the Paramedic team arrived, we went to watch Cheng Xi said his fingers were black but I know that his face was pale...cher said he was submerged so most likely jialat ler :( this makes me feel how important life is and we gotta treasure it... Life is very important...We may be healthy for a min but the next moment we'll not know what's gonna happen...Treasure every minutes of our life,best is being able to be with the one we loves dearly..........All the best for that guy..........
that's all for today and I'm awaiting for CHINGAY this MONDAY !!!!!!!!
Anyway THANKS JIAN XIANG for helping me reformat my blog :D

ends at 10:54 PM

Thursday, November 11, 2010Y

Hmm short and sweet post coz I'm facebooking with my iPod in French now thought its only 7pm and yea so ended at London and Paris already seen big Ben and Eiffel tower already so yea added Jian Xiang on facebook and blehx tomorrow chance of seeing snow is 50% aww qingling hope you stead with him hor :D lala thats it I'm eating dinner ler

ends at 3:25 AM